This bag is gorgeous. I bought the Chocolate Brown and Gold. I didn't even need an overnight bag. But I fell in love with it. I was shopping the Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale and I got lucky. The only chocolate brown, so I bought it. It was so beautiful, next time I was there I saw the green one which is also very rich and gorgeous, so I bought that too. The feel is so soft but durable. Most of all I thank Mali & Lili for creating such beautiful pieces in a sustainable and cruelty free way. I can enjoy my pieces and not feel sad! I was raving about these pieces and the sales person at Nordstroms said, too bad the brand isn't here, they would love to hear from you. So here I am raving about the product. Oh yes, I also saw such a pretty purse, no idea of the brand. Fell in love with it, to find it was indeed another Mali and Lili!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BRAND. Style, great price, compassion for animals and environment, such beautiful pieces. Thank you Mali & Lili.